The Design of Electronic Integrated Systems Laboratory (DEISLab) ( is a scientific laboratory born in 2003 and actively involved in the design and development of integrated circuits and systems, smart sensors ,
The Design of Electronic Integrated Systems Laboratory (DEISLab) ( is a scientific laboratory born in 2003 and actively involved in the design and development of integrated circuits and systems, smart sensors ,
The AFlab researchers work in the field of information systems with specific emphasis to environmental applications (pollutants and odors, particulate and water, e-nose and e-tongue).
Electronics for Telecommunications Lab (ETL) focuses on studying, designing and deploying innovative electronic systems for telecommunications, operating at high frequencies.
The Photonics Research Group was formed by Prof. Vittorio M.N. Passaro in 2004 and utilizes the Laboratory of Photonics.
1. Complex digital circuits
2. Automated processing of digital images
3. Automated processing of real-time one-dimensional signals .
4. Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis systems
5. Monitoring
Computer Vision
Signal Image and Video Analysis and processing
Pattern recognition
Multidimensional Signal Processing
Complex Networks
The research activities of Electromagnetic Fields and Telecommunications Laboratory at Magna Grecia Center in Taranto and of Microwave and Optical Engineering (MOE) Laboratory are performed by the Microwave and Optical Engineering (MOE) group (
Development of Micro and Nano Devices models for Computer Aided Design and their Characterization
The research team belonging to the Telematics Laboratory of Politecnico di Bari deals with the design, the investigation, and the optimization of ICT solutions for emerging and pioneering applications domains.
The purpose of the laboratory is the study, enhancement and dissemination of scientific research carried out with several Italian and international partners, both private and public.