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Urban Planning and Sociology Laboratory

Lab full name
Urban Planning and Sociology Laboratory
Research Activities

The Urban Planning Laboratory is a center of excellence in research on methodologies and problems of the governance of the city and of contemporary territories. Moreover, the Dicar Laboratory itself carried out a scientific partnership with the Arca Puglia Centrale (then IACP Bari and Bat) on the occasion of the PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) of the MIUR "La Città Pubblica" as a Design Laboratory . The production of Guidelines for the sustainable redevelopment of urban outskirts financed in 2005 by MIUR. Research that gave life to two publications; respectively AA.VV. (2009), Public City, Guidelines for urban redevelopment, Mondadori, Milan and that of the Local Research Unit of the Polytechnic of Bari; Martinelli, N. (edited by) (2009), For an Atlas of the Public City of Bari, Adda, Bari the latter with a partial financial contribution to the publication of the same Iacp Bari and Bat. Moreover, the same research group carried out an experience in the field as requested by the MIUR for the research in question collaborating with the Municipality of Bari and with the IACP Bari and Bat conducting the District Laboratory on the occasion of the PIRP of S. Marcello.

Contact Person
Technical Staff
Silvana Milella
It is equipped with technical and scientific skills that have been working for more than 15 years in the construction of knowledge systems on a georeferenced basis deriving from descriptive-interpretative models through highly qualified expertise (planners, landscape architects, researchers and operators in the CAD, GIS, TLR environment , DSS) and for the processing of data acquired from different types of sources (cartographic and alphanumeric).
It is equipped with workstations able to manage spatial data, on a vector and raster basis, large format color scanners, printers and high resolution large format plotters.
It is equipped with software for digital image processing and software for the management of local information systems and relational databases.
Address / How to reach us
Department of Civil Engineering Architecture, via Orabona, 4, 70125 BARI - ARC Plesso - 2nd floor room 2.50
Area (mq)