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L’attività scientifica del Laboratorio riguarda le seguenti tematiche scientifiche: modellazione fisica dei fenomeni di flusso, trasporto di massa e calore in mezzi geologici porosi e/o fratturati.

Urban Planning and Sociology Laboratory

The Urban Planning Laboratory is a center of excellence in research on methodologies and problems of the governance of the city and of contemporary territories.

Architectural Design Laboratory

The Architectural Design Laboratory is organized into two macro research areas: City Studies and Digital Fabrication.

Mito Lab Bari

Finanziato dal Ministero per il potenziamento delle infrastrutture nelle Regioni della Convergenza a sostegno della Ricerca nel Mezzogiorno.

Cognition and Spatial Planning Laboratory
CoPS Lab

The Laboratory of Cognition and Spatial Planning (CoPS) ​​is a structure of strong reference for activities related to spatial planning, urban planning and engineering of the territory, for study and university research, as well as for consulting

Subscribe to SH3_7 Spatial development, land use, regional planning