LabZERO is a multidisciplinary laboratory to enable strategic cooperation with enterprises and promote multidisciplinary research for the development of innovative technologies in the areas of ener
LabZERO is a multidisciplinary laboratory to enable strategic cooperation with enterprises and promote multidisciplinary research for the development of innovative technologies in the areas of ener
Services and research activities (institutional and funded) provided within the lab focus on the
following Geomatics themes:
• extraction of 2D/3D geometric primitives from satellite/aerial/UAV VHR data to update
Electronics for Telecommunications Lab (ETL) focuses on studying, designing and deploying innovative electronic systems for telecommunications, operating at high frequencies.
The Photonics Research Group was formed by Prof. Vittorio M.N. Passaro in 2004 and utilizes the Laboratory of Photonics.
Computer Vision
Signal Image and Video Analysis and processing
Pattern recognition
Multidimensional Signal Processing
Complex Networks
The research activities of Electromagnetic Fields and Telecommunications Laboratory at Magna Grecia Center in Taranto and of Microwave and Optical Engineering (MOE) Laboratory are performed by the Microwave and Optical Engineering (MOE) group (
The TRAMP lab research activity are devoted to the optimization of passengers and freight mobility. Advanced methods and models for the solution of traffic, transportation and logistics are developed.
The Costal Engineering Laboratory (LIC) of the Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry of the Technical University of Bari was designed for advanced research and technical support to the Public Administration in coas
The Hydraulic and Hydraulic Constructions Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry of Politecnico di Bari was designed for research (researchers, PhD and MSc-students) and technical support th