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Network Lab full name
Advanced Research Techniques for the Study and Implementation of FORMAtura with flexible means of light alloys through the use of controlled friction surfaces and welded sheets of different thickness
Research Activities
The TRASFORMA laboratory network includes laboratories of the Polytechnic of Bari, the University of Salento and the National Research Council. The network concentrates skills and equipment for the production of components in light metal alloys of complex shape and / or with locally defined thickness and / or strength characteristics. The laboratory network aims to be a valid point of reference for the industrialization of innovative hot forming processes (based on the use of flexible media such as oil and gas), aimed at the production of components in light metal alloys, which represent today one of the most effective methods to meet the need to lighten up many industrial sectors, such as the automotive, aeronautical, sports and electronic sectors. In order to produce components not only of complex shape, but also with specific and local characteristics of thickness or resistance, the network is equipped with measuring equipment and instruments aimed at the study of sheets of different thickness and / or material (TWB) and control of the friction forces at the interface between material and mold (in order to guide the flow of the material in deformation) through a coating with thin films of hard, wear-resistant material with low friction coefficient.
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