Research Activities
The hybrid welding laboratory of Politecnico di Bari is a hightech laboratory devoted to the joining and powderless additive processes of metals and metal alloys. The laboratory is equipped with 3 different welding techniques which are High Power Ytterbium Laser (HPYL), Friction Stri Welding FSR), and Arc Welding (AW). Those technologies are combined for hybrid welding by coupling two techniques at any time. Single plus coupled techniques account for 6 different options for solving welding problems.
The team of HWL furnish on demand study and consulting on enhancing productivity, lower cost, speed up throughput. The solution can reduce distortion, post-weld rework, and enhance weld quality. Stronger, lighter, better end-products and new product can be designed using the power for fusion and solid-state welding and fabrication technique. The fabrication of dissimilar metals welded structure is one of the major success of the laboratory.
The services includes also metallurgical, mechanical characterisations and numerical simulation.
Companies and Institutions
Dublin City University,Dublin, (EIRE)
École normale supérieure d'arts et métiers, Paris (France)
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy Pontoise (France)
Free University of Bozan, Bozan (Italy)
Malayer University, Malayer (Iran)
General Motors Collaborative Research Laboratory in Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)
Getrag, plant of Bari Italy
Bosch, plant of Bari italy
Cefival, Persan (France)
Ytterbium high-brightness laser of 4 kW of power.
Optical fibers of various diameters for beam transfer to workstations
Esab friction stir welding machine for welding light metal alloys.
TIG and MIG / MAG welding machines for electric welding in direct and alternating current.
Metallographic laboratory for the characterization of welds by optical microscopy.
Machines for mechanical characterization of welded materials.
Study for the improvement of the weldability of metallic materials
Development of welding coating solutions to improve surface performance
Development of research projects in regional funding projects such as PIA and PON
Metallurgical characterization of welding by optical microscopy. Mechanical characterization of welds.